PES 2018 TricolorPES Patch 2018 Update v1.5
DOWNLOAD PES 2018 TricolorPES Patch 2018 Update v1.5
Add-on / Patch that updates and modifies the execution of the PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) in an environment of South American competitions, its leagues, and international tournaments, so that with your favorite team or LM and General leagues you can compete for the Santander Libertadores Cup , South American Qualifiers, Copa América, World Cup, etc.
- Integration of the new South American league, "Copa Movistar 2018" (Peru)
- Update of templates and signings. (Constant update and in progress)
- Premiere League
- Bundesliga
- Supeliga Argentina
- Premiere league
- Erediviese
- League 123
- Ligue 1
- Superliga Argentina
- Havoline Lubricants Cup
- Selections
- Others
- Integration of new faces and tattoos
- Kits Update
- Launcher and League Switch, for activating the environment of each leagues activated in the patch.
- Fix playability
- And much more work
- Previously, we recommend you update all your Video and Directx drivers of your PC, as well as the multimedia libraries, these installers have them in the Commonredist cap, inside the folder of your pro Evolution Soccer 2018, install all you find in this folder.
- Download all the compressed parts that constitute the installer, unzip its contents, and you will find there the file "Setup.exe"
- Run the file "Setup.exe", we recommend you do it as administrator
- To install the content of the patch in the same directory that by default is installed PES 2018, we are not responsible for installations of the patch in other directories.
Ex :
"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018" (Original version - Steam)
"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Pro Evolution Soccer 2018" (Version CPY)
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Nesa, Juce, Devil Cold52, Baris, Suat Cagdas, Lagun-2, Starvin, Smeagol75, Kuyucac,,, Zlac, ejogc327, Cesc, Txak, Tisera09, Hawk, LF Facemaker , MF_RKH257, Rizki23, 4N63L_77, DJMatt, bmS, Cao Viet An, predator002, RenchoKits, KamiloKits and others, Chosefs, Majuh, Rengo, ErickTuts, LR7, Andres Kits, wolves85, bmS, Juuankaa1990, SeanFede, Lucas Facemaker, Sofyan Andri Prince Hamiz, Luis Facemaker, Klashman69, Valentinlgs10. LR7, BMs, Luis Facemaker, Klashman69, Valentinlgs10, Ginda, Chris Sports, PES Games YT, Shaft, EmreT Euler and others.
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